The characteristics of anti-mold agents for coating

2021-11-02   Pageview:396

Coating anti-mold agent to effectively anti-mold, coating anti-mold agent not only in the paint to disperse evenly, but also to ensure that the amount added is higher than the minimum inhibitory concentration of anti-mold agent (MIC)

1, high efficiency: that is, strong anti-mold force, with less drug dose can kill or inhibit the reproduction and growth of mold.
2, broad-spectrum: that is, to kill or inhibit a variety of mold, with a wide antibacterial spectrum.
3, anti-algae: anti-algae performance, can effectively kill algae and inhibit the growth of algae.
4, Stable: not easy to decompose, good compatibility with emulsion paint and additives, uniform dispersion, does not affect the performance of water-based emulsion paint.
5, environmental protection: that is, high safety, no harm to human health, no harmful effects on the environment.














Another important limiting factor for energy exchange is the relationship between the energy of the excited state of the quencher and the energy of the photosensitive group. It has been found that nickel chelate can quench the triplet state of benzophenone, which is inherently present in the coating polymer. The carbonyl structure and the carbonyl structure produced during the photoaging process are all photoactive groups that are easily excited. The adjacent structure of these groups and the chemical and physical environment determine the energy of the excited triplet state. The general rule is that when the energy of the triplet excited by the polymer carbonyl group [Erc co/poly men] is higher than the energy of the triplet excited by the quencher, this quenched light stabilization mechanism can be realized. For example, the ETC O/PS) of the carbonyl group on the polystyrene aging chain is 3.14 eV, the carbonyl group (Erc co/PP) on the polypropylene aging chain is 3.66 eV, and the nickel (II) chelate [2,2-thio The ET(N) of bis(4-tert-octylphenol) n-butylamino nickel] is 3.35 eV, therefore, the nickel chelate teflon ptfe powder can only quench the excited triplet carbonyl group on the polypropylene chain.

This type of excited state quencher mainly includes some chelates of nickel. Although this type of light stabilizer eliminates the excited state energy of photosensitive molecules by quenching, its absorption spectrum generally has a strong absorption between 300 and 400 nm. Therefore, this type of nickel complex excited state quencher objectively also exerts a certain light stabilization protection effect on the polymer material through the ultraviolet shielding effect.

Hydroperoxide decomposer
Alkyl hydrogen peroxide is a key intermediate produced in the process of polymer photooxidation. If it is allowed to develop, it will quickly oxidize and decompose the polymer chain. The use of hydrogen peroxide decomposer can quickly and effectively remove the peroxide. It protects the polymer chain from further oxidative attack. The hydroperoxide ROOH produced during polymer aging may have three bond breaking methods, namely RO-OH, R-OOH, ROO-H, and the corresponding bond energies are 176kJ/mol, 293kJ/mol and 377kJ/mol, respectively. The former has lower energy and higher probability of cracking, and the wood body can absorb ultraviolet light to a certain extent, and photolysis can occur. Under the action, the chlorine peroxide can be decomposed as follows:

Such light stabilizers mainly include sulfur-containing metal complexes such as dialkyl dithiocarbamates, dialkyl dithiophosphates and thiophenates, and their performance is very high, even in the amount of catalytic grade, It can also promote the decomposition of hydroperoxide very effectively.


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