Physical index of nanometer titanium dioxide photocatalyst VK-TG01

2021-11-17   Pageview:625

Appearance: White powder
Crystal shape: titanium oxide
PH value: 6-8
Nano titanium dioxide average primary particle size, (nm): 10
Specific surface area,(m2/g): 60-100
Purity(%) >99.9
Drying weight loss 105℃, 2h (%) ≤1.5
Cautery weight loss (%) ≤2.0














The covering polymer can not only attract air holes in the paint film, which has a direct contribution to the covering of the paint, but also has a smaller particle size, which can effectively improve the overpolymerization of titanium dioxide, thereby improving the light scattering efficiency of titanium dioxide. When we use coarse fillers in the formula, due to the significant difference in size between coarse fillers and titanium dioxide, the presence of coarse fillers will aggravate the over-aggregation of titanium dioxide, resulting in a decrease in its hiding power. In order to show the effect of different particle size fillers on the over-aggregation phenomenon of titanium dioxide, we added different pigments and fillers to the coating formula containing only 20% PVC titanium dioxide, and tested the scattering coefficients on the basis of the same volume solid content.

This shows that the use of fine fillers can effectively space the titanium white, avoid the over-polymerization of the titanium white to the greatest extent, and improve the covering ability. For economical interior wall coatings, the spacing effect of fine fillers such as calcined kaolin and light calcium can be used to effectively increase the coverage. Unfortunately, based on the small particle size of these fillers, they contain a higher ptfe pe wax surface area per unit volume. This leads to higher oil absorption and emulsion requirements (see Table 20-2), which will sacrifice the resistance of the paint film to a certain extent. Please note that what we are using is the oil absorption per unit volume of pigment and filler OAv[8.9], because OAv corrects the density of different pigments and fillers and has the following relationship with the CPVC of the formula:

From Table 20-2, it can be found that: small particle size pigments and fillers have higher volume oil absorption and higher demand for emulsions, so the formula critical pigment volume concentration is correspondingly lower; and for covering polymers, due to their higher The low density, although the oil absorption (quality) is high, but the actual emulsion demand from the CPVC data is far lower than the fine particle size pigments and fillers, and even lower than the titanium dioxide emulsion demand. The low emulsion demand of the covering polymer is mainly determined by its unique spherical structure and uniform particle size distribution.


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