What is a food emulsifier?

2021-12-24   Pageview:345

Food emulsifier is a single or compound chemical with surface activity that can emulsify two or more immiscible substances into a uniformly dispersed system. In other words, where two or more immiscible liquids (such as oil and water) can be evenly dispersed into an emulsion (or emulsion) of the substance, known as food emulsifier.












Produced by Anhui Province, Liuan City, Jie Tongda chemical company M98, SA186 matte type matting curing agent is also the ammonium salt of polycarboxylic acid and organic amine, this matting curing agent can be used in the king epoxy powder coating, B can also be used in epoxy – polyester powder coating. pe wax india This M98, SA186 matting curing agent technical specifications are shown in Table 4-28.

With M98 matting curing agent epoxy powder coating formulations and coating film performance is shown in Table 4-29, with SA186 matting.

Curing agent curing matte epoxy powder coating formulations and coating film performance is shown in Table 4-30.


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