What Is The Difference Between Adding Wax Emulsion And Wax Powder To Water-based Ink?

2024-10-31   Pageview:48

What is the difference between adding wax emulsion and wax powder to water-based ink? In the water-based ink system, adding wax emulsion or wax powder actually has the same effect. Both can greatly improve the wear resistance, scratch resistance, leveling and degassing of the ink film. What customers need to solve is the problem of dispersibility.

1. Dispersibility. After the wax emulsion is emulsified by an emulsifier, the system is relatively stable and has good dispersibility. When added to the ink system, it can be well dispersed in the ink system and has good compatibility.

Wax powder itself is an ultrafine particle. The finer the wax powder is added, the more wax powder will agglomerate due to the effect of molecular forces. If it is added to the ink system, if it is not dispersed well, the surface of the ink film will be very rough, without a smooth feel, and have a granular feel. However, if the wax powder has good dispersibility, the effect is also very good.

2. Compatibility. In the preparation of all coating formulas, the overall compatibility will directly affect the performance of the entire product. Therefore, whether it is wax powder or wax emulsion, during use, it is necessary to consider whether other formulas in the formula will react with it, resulting in poor compatibility.

In the water-based ink formula, both wax emulsion and wax powder can bring excellent product performance to the ink coating, but the problems of dispersibility and compatibility must be fully overcome.


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