What is a coating dispersant?

2021-09-23   Pageview:1170

Dispersant, which is to reasonably disperse various powders in the solvent, makes various solids stably suspended in the solvent (or dispersion) through certain charge repulsion principle or polymeric site resistance effect.

The good or bad dispersion of coating slurry is related to the formulation of coating formula and the selection of raw materials, and almost all coatings use dispersants.

















Wetting and dispersing agent for coatings and inks

Coatings and inks are divided into water-based and solvent-based, so wetting and dispersing agents  honeywell pe wax 316 are also different in water-based and solvent-based. Wetting and dispersing agents are divided by molecular weight, which can be divided into low molecular weight and high molecular weight. Low-molecular-weight wetting and dispersing agents generally refer to low-molecular-weight compounds with a molecular weight of several hundred or less.

High-molecular-weight wetting and dispersing agents refer to high-molecular-weight compounds with molecular weights in the thousands or even tens of thousands and with surface activity. In order to distinguish between two types of wetting and dispersing agents, low molecular weight wetting and dispersing agents are called traditional surfactants, and high molecular weight wetting and dispersing agents are called new high molecular weight surfactants. Low-molecular-weight and high-molecular-weight wetting and dispersing agents are different in structure and application principles, and there is a big difference.

The basic structure and type of low molecular weight wetting and dispersing agent
Low-molecular-weight wetting and dispersing agents are traditional surfactants. They are generally composed of non-polar, lipophilic hydrocarbon chain parts and polar hydrophilic groups. Symmetrical hydrophilic and lipophilic molecular structure. Surface activity is determined by the asymmetric molecular structure. The structure of the hydrophilic group has a far greater influence on the properties of the wetting and dispersing agent than the lipophilic structure, so surfactants are generally classified based on the structure of the hydrophilic group.


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