Characteristics of general-purpose wetting agent for water-based coatings WET100

2021-10-02   Pageview:458

General characteristics (non-standard values)
Appearance : Clarified or slightly turbid viscous liquid
PH value: 6.5 – 7.0
Specific gravity: 1.01 (2.5 ℃)
Ionic properties: non-ionic
Active ingredient: ≥ 99%
Solubility: soluble in water and highly polar alcoholic ether solvents
Freezing point: 5 ℃















Generally, metal soap driers with multiple valences are called active driers, and they are easy to undergo oxidation-reduction reactions. For example, cobalt soap is mainly used for catalytic oxidation polymerization, and lead soap is mainly used for catalytic addition polymerization. Zirconium soap not only has general drying characteristics, but also has coordination ability. It forms coordination bonds with polar groups on the alkyd resin chain, such as hydroxyl groups, to generate larger molecular coordination compounds, which not only accelerates drying, but also Can improve the performance of the coating film. Some metal soap driers that are not easily changeable are classified as auxiliary driers, such as calcium, zinc and other metals. They do not have drier characteristics when used alone, but when used in conjunction with active driers, they can also improve the dryness. The mechanism is unclear. It has been suggested that auxiliary driers can enhance the solubility of active driers. It has also been proposed that the auxiliary drier can keep the active drier at a more favorable valence, or can reduce the energy required to change
the valence. It has also been suggested that the auxiliary drier is conducive to the chelation of the active drier and the paint, thereby helping to dry.

Types and characteristics of driers
The drier can be used in three types: metal oxide, metal salt, and metal soap. Both metal oxides and metal salts crude montan wax are added in the process of boiling paint, and only after the formation of oleic acid soap does it appear to have a drying effect. At present, the most widely used form is metal soap. Metal soap is formed by the reaction of organic acid and certain metals. Its general formula is R COOM (M-metal part, R COO-organic acid part). The characteristics of the agent are determined by the metal part, and the organic acid part makes it play a drying effect. In fact, the drying performance of each metal is different, and the drying effect of the same metal soap on different paint varieties is also different. The most practically used are cobalt, manganese, lead, zinc, calcium, and iron; zirconium, and rare earth are new driers.


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