Fischer-Tropsch waxes for hot melt adhesives

2021-05-01   Pageview:1257

One of the coal-based synthetic oil products, crude wax, is the raw material for refining Fischer-Tropsch waxes. After advanced extraction and distillation technology, Fischer-Tropsch synthetic crude waxes can be further slit to produce a series of Fischer-Tropsch synthetic waxes. The domestic Fischer-Tropsch waxes are generally named according to their melting points, and the main product models are 60, 70, 95, 100, 105, 110 and 115.

Wax is the most effective regulator of hot melt adhesive performance. The melting point and crystallinity of the wax added to the hot melt adhesive control the starting solidification temperature and curing time of the hot melt adhesive, and, at the same time, affect the plasticity and tensile properties of the hot melt adhesive. Fischer-Tropsch synthetic waxes with low viscosity properties reduce the viscosity of polymers and resins, facilitating efficient mixing of resins and pumping and transporting of hot melt adhesives.

Advantages of Tianshi Fischer-Tropsch synthetic waxes:
1,  No pollution and taste, can be used directly in food contact hot melt adhesive industry.
2, With high freezing point, it can improve the heat resistance of hot melt adhesives.
3, Small needle penetration can improve the strength of hot melt adhesive.
4, The carbon distribution range is relatively narrow, the opening time is relatively small, and the curing time is short.

The synthetic waxes commonly used in hot melt adhesives are PE wax and Fischer-Tropsch wax. Fischer-Tropsch synthetic wax is a saturated straight-chain alkane molecular structure with high melting point and high hardness. Compared with PE wax, Fischer-Tropsch synthetic wax has a narrow melting range and good weather resistance, so it is widely used in hot melt adhesives that require good weather resistance and high temperature and fast solidification.


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