How To Improve The “Smoking” Situation Of Powder Coating Curing

2024-09-23   Pageview:99

How to improve the “smoking” situation of powder coating curing? The reaction during the curing process of powder coating will release small molecules. These small molecules will gather together to produce smoke, which is the so-called smoking phenomenon.

Whether it is flat powder or sand texture powder, glossy powder or flat powder, matte powder, there is a phenomenon of smoking, especially matte powder is the most serious. The smoke of powder coating comes from the small molecules contained in the added additives that encounter water vapor or are oxidized during the baking process to produce smoke. Among them, leveling agents, brighteners, wax powders, matting agents, antioxidants, etc., although the amount is very small, are the main source of smoke.

wax additive

The characteristics of wax powder that it is easy to melt at high temperature make it inevitable that a large number of small molecules will precipitate from the surface during the baking process, and finally come into contact with the air to produce smoke. Do all wax powders produce smoke?

The smoke level of wax powder is related to the properties of the wax powder. Since polytetrafluoroethylene wax has a relatively high degree of polymerization and the C-F bond is not easy to break, it will not produce smoke during the normal baking process. Tianshi suggests that polytetrafluoroethylene wax cannot be used in large quantities in general weather-resistant powder coatings, so the smoke can be reduced by replacing polyethylene wax with modified wax.

TIANSHI reminds powder coating customers that for materials that can be replaced with less smoke without affecting other properties, corresponding replacements can be made, and some additives that produce a lot of smoke can be used as little as possible to achieve the effect of reducing smoke.


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