How to matte water-based wood paint?

2021-08-13   Pageview:407

Water-based wood paint, as an environmentally friendly decorative coating, has gained rapid development in the fields of wood furniture painting, home decoration and wooden toys. According to different needs, the surface of wood after painting needs different gloss, where the effect of semi-matte to matte is not easy to cause visual fatigue and is increasingly popular.

Wax products based on polyethylene, polypropylene and Brazilian wax are most commonly used in coatings and inks, and wax products based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) can also be used as matting agents. In water-based coatings, processed wax emulsions are generally used. Wax emulsions have certain matting effects, give the paint film a good feel, and improve the scratch resistance of the paint film. Some wax emulsions with coarse particle size can also play a certain matting role.

The application of dow wax emulsion in water-based wood paint

1,  Anti-return stickiness

Wax emulsions on the film anti-viscosity help more. It is generally believed that the increase of wax particle size is helpful to the anti-back stick effect, and the effect of paraffin wax system products is better than polyethylene wax system products.

  2,  Anti-scratch

High-density polyethylene wax products are preferred for their high hardness, low coefficient of friction and toughness to provide excellent protection for the coating. The increase of wax particle size is helpful to the scratch resistance and wear resistance of the coating.

3,  Water repellency

Paraffin wax emulsion provides excellent water repellency, and the formula is optimized to achieve the “lotus leaf effect”.

4,  Effect on gloss

High gloss system
Oxidized high-density polyethylene wax emulsion is known as “the best gloss system overlay protection material” in the provision of anti-adhesion, anti-scratch, anti-abrasion at the same time on the gloss also help.

Matting effect
It can be used alone to achieve a semi-matte effect, and can be used with silica matting powder to achieve a full matte. Reduce the amount of matting powder, so as to reduce the settlement and improve the storage stability of the system. It can promote a smooth feel, coating scratch resistance, improve the matte coating anti-polishing effect, these properties are unmatched by the use of silica matting powder alone.

Polishing effect
Polyethylene wax, polypropylene wax and other high melting point synthetic wax is not easy to be polished, often used in high gloss system to prevent the loss of light phenomenon, while Fischer-Tropsch wax, carnauba wax and other low melting point hard wax is often used in the polish system that requires polishing.

  5,  Anti-slip

PP wax has high hardness, high melting point and high temperature resistance, while the coefficient of friction is large, so it plays the role of anti-adhesion and anti-scratch in the system requiring anti-slip such as floor paint.


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