Application of 499 paint anti-mildew agent

2021-10-13   Pageview:479

499 paint anti-mildew agent applications
1, Exterior water-based paint, latex paint.
2, Used as anti-corrosion of paint itself, add 1.5 – 2kg per ton of paint.
3, Used as anti-mildew paint, add 7 – 10kg per ton of paint.













The melting point of parastatin is 95~97℃, the acute oral toxicity LD50 for rats is 1000mg/kg, and the mice is 1000mg/kg. Burning produces toxic chloride, fluoride, nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide gas. .
N’-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-N,N-dimethylurea is known as Pre-vento lA 6, Diuron,

Section 6 Application of Antifouling Agents in Antifouling Coatings
The antifouling performance of an antifouling agent has a lot to do with the formulation of the antifouling coating. The following introduces some common antifouling coating formulations.

1. Formula of soluble antifouling paint containing cuprous oxide
Mass fraction of raw material name /% Mass fraction of raw material name /% Rosin
12.040.5 Coal char solvent 13.6 Hydrogenated rosin 20.3 Petroleum solvent
100.0 cuprous oxide 13.6 total
2. Formula of contact antifouling paint containing cuprous oxide oxidized pe wax
Mass Fraction/% Raw Material Name Mass Fraction/% Raw Material Name
5.5 Vinyl resin 5.5
Evaluation test method of antifouling agent
The evaluation of the effectiveness of antifouling agents in inhibiting marine fouling organisms is a very complicated process and requires a lot of biological experiments. This section mainly discusses the antifouling performance of antifouling coatings and the test methods of antifouling agent exudation rate, so as to reflect the antifouling performance of antifouling agents.


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