What is MEIBOSS paint anti-mold agent?

2021-10-25   Pageview:616

MEIBOSS paint anti-mildew agent is a completely water-based mildew inhibitor, extremely safe, non-toxic, odorless, durable; easy to process, through the product’s exterior of the strong bond, forming a durable antibacterial layer resistant to water washing, suitable for most of the products anti-mold and anti-spray treatment.

MEIBOSS coating anti-mildew agent is a common bonding non-release antimicrobial agent, permanently bonded to the exterior of the product to form an antimicrobial layer, bacteria. When bacteria, mold and other microorganisms touch the exterior of the product, the antimicrobial layer on the exterior absorbs and pierces its cellular film, eliminating it quickly.













Triphenylsulfide salt PT DPT, the simplest structure of triphenylsulfide salt, has too short light absorption wavelength to effectively use several main emission lines of medium pressure mercury lamps. Appropriate substitution of the benzene ring of the triphenylsulfide salt can significantly increase the absorption wavelength. The introduction of alkyl, alkoxy, phenoxy, benzene sulfhydryl and other electron pushing groups are all helpful to increase the absorption wavelength.

Commercially available thiophene salt photoinitiators are mostly sulfur anchor salt mixtures, which are dissolved in a relatively polar propylene carbonate solvent, with a total concentration of about 30% to 50%, and are compatible with light-curing organic oligomers. Very good, and the solvent propylene carbonate can also participate in cationic polymerization, and there is basically no problem of inert solvents.

The pair of triarylsulfide-salt has little effect on the light absorption and even the photolysis efficiency of the salt, but it has a significant effect on the activity of initiating polymerization. Among them, SbF has the weakest nucleophilicity and has an inhibitory effect on cationic polymerization. The smallest; BF, relatively strong nucleophilicity, is likely to produce strong binding to proton acids, or combine byk wax additives with carbocation centers to hinder cationic polymerization. According to the order that is advantageous to cationic photopolymerization, the activity sizes of several commonly used anions are: BFT<PF; <AsF; <SbF.

The photolysis mechanism of sulfide salt photoinitiator is very similar to that of diaryl iodide transport. However, it can undergo cleavage reaction when it excites the singlet state. Photolysis mainly produces diaryl sulfide, aromatic hydrocarbon, aromatic ring carbocation and The super acid active species also have active free radicals, which can initiate both cationic polymerization and free radical polymerization, but light acid production is dominant. Because one of the main components of the product is diaryl sulfide, it produces a weak odor. The photolysis process of sulfur salt is not interfered by molecular oxygen, and the acid production efficiency of photolysis in air is higher than that under nitrogen atmosphere.


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