5 features of powder coating anti-mildew agent BJ-78

2021-10-26   Pageview:441

1, Very broad-spectrum and long-lasting killing, with the latest slow-release technology, no loss, good effect.

2, non-toxic, easy to operate, can be added in any process of mixing.

3, wide applicable pH range, 4-12 can be used, alkali resistance.

4, small particle size, uniform dispersion, low VOC content and heat stability.

5, non-combustible, easy to transport net, easy to use, stable under strong UV and acid rain conditions.












It is related to the nature of the monomer. The quinone nucleus has electrophilic properties, and the substituents on the quinone ring have an influence on the electrophilicity, and the steric hindrance effect causes the difference in the efficiency of quinone polymerization inhibition. When used as a polymerization inhibitor for styrene and vinyl acetate, because the benzoquinone nucleus has electrophilicity, styrene free radicals and vinyl acetate free radicals have strong power supply properties, so the polymerization inhibition effect is good. On the contrary, the electron donating properties of methyl methacrylate, methyl acrylate, and acrylonitrile are sequentially weakened, montan wax emulsion and the polymerization inhibition efficiency is correspondingly reduced, which can only play a role of slowing
polymerization. There is no hydrogen on tetramethyl benzoquinone, and the electron-pushing methyl group weakens the electrophilicity of quinone. As a result, tetramethyl benzoquinone has no inhibitory effect on the above four monomers except styrene. However, styrene only generates a small amount of quinoid polymers. It may be that short-chain free radicals deprive hydrogen from the methyl group and then transform into conjugated and stable quinoid free radicals. This reaction is more difficult than the reaction to deprive hydrogen from the quinone ring. Therefore, the polymerization inhibition effect is not good.

Tetrachlorobenzoquinone has a slow polymerization effect on styrene, but it is an effective polymerization inhibitor for vinyl acetate and has no inhibitory effect on acrylonitrile. After tetrachlorination of benzoquinone, although there is no hydrogen on the ring, it has enhanced electrophilicity and reacts with the electron donor styrene free radical, which may occur on the addition of oxygen atoms. The electron donating ability of acrylonitrile is very weak. Inhibition of chloranil.


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