Use of homotriazine fungicide

2021-10-26   Pageview:364

This product is an efficient water-soluble bactericide and broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent; it can inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms and postpone the time due to bacterial action. This product does not contain metal ions and does not corrode metals; it is especially suitable for metal processing coolant, calendaring liquid, bonding liquid, detergent, daily-use chemical products, water-based paint, steel sheet paper, leather products, ceramic glaze treatment, packaging materials, etc. It can extend the use cycle and reduce the “three wastes” emission.

In addition, this product can also be used in household and industrial laundry industry, it can make the product long-term mold-free. It is also very effective in preventing mildew of leather brightening agent, and is widely used in leather industry.












When the solubility of oxygen in the monomer reaches 10-3mol/L (air saturation solubility), it has a strong inhibitory effect. Therefore, when storing certain monomers in industry, in addition to adding a polymerization inhibitor, a sufficient amount of air must be blown in. At the same time, the liquid in the container cannot be too full to ensure a sufficient amount of oxygen. In the polymerization process, paraffin wax emulsion application an inert gas is usually used to prevent the inhibitory effect of oxygen.

Peroxide radicals decompose under high temperature conditions to generate more active free radicals, which can initiate monomer polymerization. Therefore, sometimes oxygen is used as the initiator of high temperature polymerization, such as the production of high-pressure low-density polyethylene. It has the initiation ability, and finally generates oligomers in which monomers and peroxide chains are alternately connected, and the limited oxygen in the monomers is quickly consumed and loses its inhibitory effect. Therefore, in order to maintain long-lasting polymerization inhibition, it must be used in combination with other polymerization inhibitors.

Self-inhibition of allyl monomers
When free radicals interact with allyl monomers, new free radicals can be generated. There are two kinds of new free radicals: addition products and transfer products.


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