How to use corrosion and scale inhibitor L-403

2021-11-13   Pageview:697

Add the daily required product into the plastic adding bucket (or box), for the convenience of use can be diluted with water and then add the product continuously at the inlet of the circulation pump (i.e. at the outlet of the catch basin) with the metering pump or through the regulating valve. Adding concentration is generally 25-30mg/L (in terms of supplemental water).















Chemical conversion of oligomerization products
Companies that use oligomerization to produce fluorine-containing active surfactants include British ICI.
Comparison of different methods
The three methods of synthesizing fluorosurfactants described above have their own characteristics. Among them, the electrolytic fluorination method developed in the 1950s, although the product contains functional groups that can further transform various fluorosurfactants, can be easily prepared for fluorosurfactant products. However, due to the formation of a large number of short carbon chain by-products (about 75%~90%) during the production process, the yield of the required products is very low (perfluorooctanoyl fluoride is about 10%, and perfluorooctyl sulfonyl fluoride is 25%.

The electrode material is corroded during the production process, so the material of the electrode plate is very high; and due to the requirement of electrolytic cooling, the scale of a single electrolytic cell is very small. In order to increase the output, it must be used A large number of electrolytic cells, and the energy consumption during the electrolysis process is also very high; in addition to the accumulation of PFOA free PTFE powder and PFOS in the human body, 3M Company stopped using this process to produce fluorine-containing surfaces in the early 21st century The active agent process. The telomerization method developed in the 1960s, because the product obtained is a linear perfluoroalkyl group with good surface activity, but because the product generated during the telomerization process is a homologue with different degrees of polymerization, so How to increase the content of n=3~5 products required in the telomerization mixture is the key to this process. Although many domestic scientific research institutions and manufacturing enterprises have invested a certain amount of financial resources to develop this process, so far No substantial progress has been made so far.


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