Application of Wax Emulsion in Waterborne Acrylic Emulsion

2021-04-27   Pageview:1336

Acrylic emulsion, due to its versatility, weather resistance and diversity, has been widely used in various fields of the coating industry. The water-based acrylic emulsion is formed by emulsion polymerization of vinyl monomers mainly composed of acrylate monomers. Various additives such as emulsifiers, stabilizers, and pH regulators are added during the polymerization process, and the system is quite complicated.

The film made of water-based acrylic emulsion has good weather resistance, is not easy to yellow, has high hardness and good gloss. In recent years, with the continuous development of water-based acrylic emulsion polymerization technology, multiphase polymerization, core-shell technology, self-crosslinking technology and the application of polymer surfactants, and core-shell polymerization technologies have further improved and improved the performance of water-based acrylic emulsions. Due to its nature, the water-based acrylic emulsion is adapted to the needs of different construction and use conditions, and its scope of use has been continuously expanded. Now, the application of water-based acrylic emulsion has been extended to industrial applications with higher performance requirements.

Wax emulsions manufacturer – tianshiwax, such as carnauba wax and polyethylene wax: to a certain extent affect the gloss of the coating film, which is related to its particle size and distribution. The wax emulsion has to be added to 2%-8% of the total formula to have a significant effect. Too much wax emulsion affects the strength of the paint film and reduces the adhesion between layers. The recommended best dosage is 3% to 5%. Putty does not use wax emulsion unless there is a special surface effect requirement. Generally, it is not necessary to add wax emulsion in solid color paint. Sometimes wax emulsion can be replaced with wax powders.

Silicone: This kind of surface control additives can effectively improve the scratch resistance and abrasion resistance of the coating film when added in a small amount. Generally, it has poor compatibility with the system. If it is not selected properly, it will often affect the gloss of the coating film, degree and adhesion between coating layers.


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