Application of Fischer-Tropsch wax in PVC pipes

2022-02-08   Pageview:320

F-T synthesis is a process technology that synthesizes synthesis gas (a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen) into liquid fuel in the presence of a catalyst. The product has low viscosity at high temperatures, which improves the production speed and flowability of the product and enhances the wetting of the bonded surfaces. The synthesis, fractional distillation, solvent extraction and bleaching under certain pressure, temperature and catalyst conditions allow to obtain monomeric hydrocarbons similar to liquid paraffin waxes to high melting point waxes similar to polyethylene waxes, with special properties not found in other natural waxes or other synthetic waxes. Originally used to synthesize alternatives to petroleum products, the Fischer-Tropsch process is now widely used in the conversion of natural gas to synthetic fuels. This new generation of polymers using advanced technology combines properties such as high melting point, low viscosity and excellent hardness, and exhibits excellent performance in a variety of applications.


Fischer-Tropsch waxes are used with unique advantages in hot-melt adhesives, plastic lubrication, mold release, pipes, profiles, inks, coatings, varnishing waxes, masterbatches, rubbers, candles, textiles, among which Fischer-Tropsch waxes are indispensable in PVC pipes, hot-melt adhesives, inks and masterbatches.

Wax for PVC pipes
It can be used as an external lubricant for PVC and it helps to disperse the filler when mixing.
Waxes for hot melt adhesives.

In hot melt adhesive application, FT wax is characterized by:
1, No pollution and taste, can be used directly in food contact hot melt adhesive industry.
2, With high freezing point, it can improve the heat resistance of hot melt adhesive.
3, Small needle penetration can improve the strength of hot melt adhesive.
4, The carbon distribution range is relatively narrow, the opening time is relatively small, and the curing time is short.

Unique selling points

1, Concentrated carbon distribution and concentrated molecular weight distribution.

2, Extremely low thermal weight loss.

3, Very good pre, mid and post lubrication performance.


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