2022-01-15 Pageview:635
The addition of PE wax can significantly improve the high temperature performance of asphalt materials, but has a certain degree of negative impact on the low temperature performance of asphalt. PE wax can significantly reduce the viscosity of asphalt, improve the rheological properties of asphalt, for reducing the asphalt mixing temperature, to enhance the asphalt mixing construction in low temperature conditions has a good effect.
The preparation method of warm mix asphalt
(1)Use constant temperature heating device to heat the asphalt to molten state.
(2) Quantitative weighing of flake PE wax, loaded into the pre-prepared crusher, it will be crushed to uniform small particles, after passing 4.75mm sieve, it will be loaded into a clean container, the PE wax in the container will be divided equally into 3 parts.
(3) The asphalt was processed using a high-speed shear, stirred at 2000r/min, and 1 part of PE wax was added evenly and continued to stir for 5min.
(4)Add the 2nd part of PE wax and stir at 3500r/min for 3min. turn the speed down to 2000r/min and add the last 1 part of PE wax and continue to stir for 3min.
(5) Finally, turn the speed to 1500r/min and keep mixing at low speed for 5min to produce warm mix asphalt.
The effect of PE wax on the basic properties of asphalt
(1) PE wax doping on the basic properties of different base asphalt: With the gradual increase of PE wax doping, the softening point of asphalt materials gradually increased, which indicates that the addition of PE wax can significantly improve the high-temperature properties of asphalt materials; while the needle penetration and ductility are gradually reduced, which indicates that the addition of PE wax will have a negative impact on the temperature sensitivity and low-temperature properties of asphalt materials. Therefore, in the application process should pay attention to its impact on the low temperature performance of asphalt materials, using a reasonable amount.
(2) PE wax added to the asphalt material internal components to achieve a significant modification effect, which is also its ability to significantly reduce the effect of asphalt viscosity mechanism.
(3) The modified asphalt material mixed with PE wax has relatively less internal heterogeneous structure, and also shows a more stable state during the electron beam impact, with less overall movement.
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