How to use polyethylene wax in ink

2021-07-24   Pageview:1038

Polyethylene wax mainly plays a bearing effect and floating effect in the ink. The bearing effect is that the particle size of the polyethylene wax itself is similar to or slightly larger than the thickness of the ink coating, so it is exposed to the outside, making the wax resistant to scratches and scratches.

 Polyethylene wax is added to the ink:

1, Disperse in an organic solution to make a wax slurry and use it in a solvent system.

2, Disperse in water system to make wax dispersion or wax emulsion, which is used in water system.

3, After the wax emulsion is added to the ink, the wax drifts to the surface of the coating to be evenly dispersed during the film formation process, so that the uppermost layer of the coating is protected by wax, showing the characteristics of wax. Due to its effect of controlling the friction coefficient, it affects the coating. The slip, abrasion resistance, and scratch resistance of the product are affected. Due to the selection of extremely hard wax, the coating exhibits excellent wear resistance and smoothness. At the same time, reducing the coefficient of friction can change the direction of the coating, thereby improving the scratch resistance of the coating.

When polyethylene wax is used in water-based inks and coatings, oxidized polyethylene wax is usually used, and emulsifiers are added to make emulsion or dispersed in acrylic resin. OPE waxes produced by oxidized polyethylene wax manufacturers  improves its hydrophilicity to some extent. Polyethylene wax is easy to disperse in water-based inks, color pastes and coatings. It can be added at any stage, it can be ground together with the coating components, or it can be added directly in the later stage.


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