The Difference Between Polyethylene Wax(PE Wax) And Fischer-Tropsch Wax(FT Wax)

2023-10-11   Pageview:389

The difference between polyolefin wax and Fischer-Tropsch wax. Fischer-Tropsch wax is a methylene polymer, an alkane polymer synthesized from hydrocarbon-based synthetic gas or natural gas. It mainly relies on high-quality and cheap raw materials from coal chemical plants for iron-based or cobalt-based production. Based on synthesis, it has obvious advantages over the price of crude oil wax.

Polyethylene wax (PE wax), also known as high molecular wax or polyethylene wax for short. It is widely used because of its excellent cold resistance, heat resistance, chemical resistance and wear resistance. Polyethylene wax has good compatibility with polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl acetate, ethylene-propylene rubber, and butyl rubber, and can improve the fluidity of polyethylene, polypropylene, ABS, and polymethylmethacrylate, polycarbonate Ester release properties. Compared with PVC and other external lubricants, polyethylene wax has a stronger internal lubrication effect.

Fischer-Tropsch synthesis has received intermittent attention as a source of low-sulfur diesel fuel to address supply or cost issues with petroleum-based hydrocarbons.

The key technology for the production of Fischer-Tropsch wax lies in the catalyst. Commonly used catalysts include iron-based catalysts and cobalt-based catalysts. Iron-based catalysts are mainly used to produce Fischer-Tropsch waxes with droplet melting points below 105°C. Fischer-Tropsch waxes with higher melting points can only use cobalt-based catalysts. The appearance and performance of Fischer-Tropsch synthetic wax produced by cobalt-based catalysts are better than those produced by iron-based catalysts.

Fischer-Tropsch wax(FT Wax) has good compatibility with PVC and can be used as both internal and external lubricants. It can be used as a good internal lubricant to effectively control shear conditions, promote flow, control friction and melting properties, thereby improving thermal stability. At the same time, Fischer-Tropsch wax enables PVC products to obtain the best physical and processing properties due to its high crystallinity and high linearity structure.


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