Unique Properties And Uses Of PTFE Micropowder

2022-09-27   Pageview:484

Polytetrafluoroethylene micropowder, also known as low molecular weight polytetrafluoroethylene micropowder, or polytetrafluoroethylene ultrafine powder, or polytetrafluoroethylene wax, is a white micropowder resin, which is a dispersion obtained by telomerization of tetrafluoroethylene. The liquid is obtained by coagulation, washing and drying. It has excellent heat resistance, weather resistance, cold resistance, low friction, non-stickiness, chemical stability and electrical insulation properties. In addition, due to its small average particle size, it has good dispersibility and is easy to blend with other materials uniformly. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) ultrafine powder is a white, low-molecular-weight free-flowing powder with excellent chemical resistance, thermal stability, high Weather resistance and aging resistance (more than ten years), UV resistance, high temperature resistance (long-term application temperature is around 260 ℃), wide operating temperature range (-200- +260 ℃), good non-stick, high electrical insulation (1017Ωcm), high flame retardancy, good self-lubrication.

ptfe micropowder

PTFE micropowder products are 100% pure, molecular weight less than 10,000, particle size 0.5-15μm PTFE micropowder series, not only maintain all the original excellent properties of PTFE, but also have many unique properties: such as No self-agglomeration, no electrostatic effect, good compatibility, low molecular weight, good dispersibility, high self-lubrication, significantly reduced friction coefficient, etc.

PTFE micropowder can be used alone as a solid lubricant, and can also be used as an additive for plastics, rubber, paint, ink, lubricating oil, grease, etc. When mixing with plastic or rubber, various typical powder processing methods can be used, such as blending, etc. The amount of polytetrafluoroethylene micropowder added is 5% to 20%, and polytetrafluoroethylene micropowder is added to oil and grease. , can reduce the friction coefficient, as long as adding a few percent, can improve the life of lubricating oil.


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