Textile finishing common problems and the selection of additives

2022-01-16   Pageview:283

After a lot of research and practice, people found that wax emulsions as softener and lubricant applied in textile finishing can give textiles a soft feel and good smoothness.

  Resin finishing in the common quality problems.

1,  Formaldehyde problem

Due to the free formaldehyde in the resin or N-hydroxymethyl structure of the resin decomposition of formaldehyde caused by the formaldehyde content exceeds the standard. It is desirable to use ultra-low formaldehyde resin or formaldehyde-free resin.

Of course the formaldehyde problem is a wide range of sources, such as color fixing agent Y, M, softener MS-20, S-l, water repellent AEG, FTC, adhesive RF, flame retardant THPC and other additives can sometimes cause formaldehyde exceeds the standard. At the same time, the migration of formaldehyde in the air may also cause the formaldehyde on the fabric exceeds the standard.

2,  yellowing or color change problems

Resin finishing, will generally cause yellowing, so:, as far as possible to reduce the yellowing, color change.

3,  power down problem

General resin finishing will produce a decline in strength, can be added to the fiber protection agent, such as polyethylene oxide wax emulsion.

4,  feel problems

General resin finishing will cause a hard feel phenomenon, you can add soft components, but be careful not to affect the quality of resin finishing. Hand feel is improved, the problem of decreasing strength is also greatly improved. But the surface of the resin caused by the feel of hard and other problems caused by the resin itself and drying and other reasons, to improve the target.

For the direction of textile finishing, Tianshi developed wax emulsion OE-6502C, which not only has the above characteristics, but also found that OE-6502C can be adsorbed evenly by the cylinder yarn and waxed evenly by application experimental research; compared with some common domestic and foreign textile wax emulsions, OE-6502C has advantages in ensuring yarn strength, elongation, smoothness, and other physical properties.


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