How to use wax pulp

2021-06-12   Pageview:1038

Wax pulps are mainly used in aqueous systems, which can effectively enhance the smoothness and gloss as well as the abrasion resistance of the exterior of inks and other carriers, and to improve the abrasion resistance and anti-adhesion properties of coatings.

The main fields of use of wax pulps are: water-based inks, water-based varnishes, shoe waxes, leather finishing agents, fabric printing pastes, water-based lacquers and latexes, and other water-based coatings.

  The main properties of wax pulps:

1, Hard wax of high density polyethylene (HDPE) as raw material, formulated with unique emulsification equipment and process.

2. Excellent stability of the pulp, easy to disperse and very convenient for ink and other industrial applications.

3. The wax pulps have good smoothness, gloss and adhesion.

4. As the pulp is alkaline, try to use deionized water to dilute the wax pulp before use.

wax pulp is also called modified PE wax. Wax slurry transparency, does not affect the leveling. Wax pulp is mainly used in solvent-based wood paint, plastic paint, printing ink, overprint oil and other places. Leather water-based wax is an odorless, non-toxic, non-corrosive white emulsion, it is very good acid resistance, alkali resistance.


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