Composition of powder coating matting agent

2021-09-21   Pageview:521

(1) Acrylic resin, divided into epoxy-based and carboxyl-based
(2) Accelerator
(3) Auxiliary components
Earlier physical matting agent slowly faded out of the market application, this type of matting agent for: “wax + organic zinc salt” as the main component, with matting filler for matting.













The DL VO theory is a theory established on the basis of diffusing electric double layers. Der ja guin (Der ja guin), Ran Dao (Land ou), Wei Wei (Ver way), Overbeek (Overbeek) explained this in detail, so it is called the DL VO theory. The DL VO theory is mainly based on the electric double layer theory to explain the wax slip additive factors affecting the stability of the dispersion system. There are two main reasons:

① The gravitational force between colloidal particles is van der Waals force. Because the colloidal particles are assembled by many molecules, the gravitational force between colloidal particles is the sum of all the molecular gravitational forces. This kind of gravitational force between particles is the van der Waals gravitational force acting on a long-range basis, expressed in VA. It is inversely proportional to the 3rd power of the distance, and is different from the gravitational force between ordinary molecules (which is inversely proportional to the 6th power of the distance).
② The mutual repulsive force between particles is produced by charged particles, which is represented by VR.
We can think of an electric double layer formed by a charged particle as a charged particle surrounded by an ionic atmosphere.

The particles are positively charged, and the dotted line indicates the range of positive charge. Due to the shielding effect of the counter ions in the ion atmosphere, it is not affected by the charge outside the dotted line. When two particles are close, if the ion atmosphere is not in contact, there is no repulsion between the particles. effect. When the particles are close to each other until the ion atmosphere overlaps, the ion concentration in the overlapping area is obviously too large, which destroys the original symmetry of the charge distribution and causes the charge in the ions to redistribute. That is, the ions diffuse outward from the overlapping area with a higher concentration, and as a result, the positively charged particles are repulsed and separated from each other. The theory proves that this repulsive force is an exponential function of the distance between particles.

When the particles with the same charge in the dispersion system are close to each other, the total energy V of the system is:
(2-12) As the distance decreases, VA increases and VR also increases, but the directions of the two energies are opposite.


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