Application of powder coating anti-mildew agent BJ-78

2021-10-26   Pageview:316

It is widely used in all kinds of putty powder, powder adhesive, industrial starch, gum powder, powder coating, powder paste, cellulose ether, polyvinyl alcohol, polyacrylamide and other products used after diluting with water. It can play a fast and long-lasting anti-corrosion effect.













Commonly used phenolic polymerization inhibitors are hydroquinone, p-tert-butylcatechol, 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-methylphenol, 4,4′-dihydroxybiphenyl, bisphenol A and wood tar, etc.

A large number of experiments have shown that when the phenol polymerization inhibitor is not added to the monomer, the peroxide radical ROO· can initiate the monomer to generate a new free radical ROOM·, continue to react with oxygen to generate the free radical ROOM OO·, repeating the cycle, Oligomers containing peroxy bonds are formed, which consumes oxygen. In the presence of phenolic polymerization inhibitors, the peroxide radicals are quickly terminated, ensuring that there is enough oxygen in the monomers, and the polymerization inhibition period can be prolonged. Therefore, the inhibitory effect of phenols is actually an antioxidant effect, and its inhibitory activity is related to its molecular structure and properties.

It is summarized as follows:
①The reaction of phenols, such as hydroquinone, which are easily oxidized into formula structures, and peroxy free radicals High activity and high polymerization inhibition activity;
②Phenols with electron-withdrawing groups on the benzene ring have low reactivity with montan acid wax cas no peroxy radicals and low polymerization inhibition activity;
③Phenols with electron-pushing groups on the benzene ring , It has high reactivity with peroxy free radicals and strong polymerization inhibition activity.

Aromatic amines, like phenols, are effective antioxidants and polymerization inhibitors for olefins and diolefins, as well as anti-aging agents for polymer materials. Like phenols, aromatic amines can inhibit polymerization only in the presence of oxygen. The mechanism of inhibition is to prevent the rapid consumption of oxygen and prolong the inhibition period.


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