Application Of Fischer-Tropsch Wax(FT Wax) In Powder Coatings

2024-02-21   Pageview:138

The use of Fischer-Tropsch wax(FT Wax) in powder coatings. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis refers to a production process that combines carbon monoxide and hydrogen under high pressure with a unique catalyst to synthesize alkanes. According to the requirements of downstream products (such as fuel, lubricating oil, wax), the FT process can synthesize alkanes of different chain lengths and separate the alkanes through distillation.

TIANSHI refined Fischer-Tropsch synthetic wax, this advanced product has the characteristics of high melting point, low viscosity, high hardness, etc., and has excellent performance in many application fields.

Main application characteristics Plastic industry FT wax can be used in plastic processing, such as injection molding, extrusion and granulation industries.

It can be used in the color granules and modified plastics industries to help disperse fillers and improve slippery properties during mixing. The addition amount is 10-20% less than that of ordinary PE wax, and it can significantly improve the surface gloss of the product.

At the same time, it can reduce the extrusion viscosity of inks and coatings. When used as particulate powder in inks, it can improve the wear resistance and wrinkle resistance of application materials.

When applied in a coating, it can produce a wrinkle effect. When used in a micro-powder state, it can form stripes and water lines.

Adding powder coating resin plays a lubrication role during the extrusion process, which can reduce screw torque, reduce energy consumption and improve production efficiency. Initially, wax was used in powder coatings to improve the surface properties of the coating film, including improving the smoothness, scratch resistance and water resistance of the coating film. Later, it was used to affect the rheological properties of coatings, such as degassing, improving leveling and matting capabilities, and changing the surface condition of coatings.


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