Homotriazine fungicide

2021-10-30   Pageview:319

Appearance: light transparent viscous liquid

Content 74.00~78.00%

Homotriazine fungicide: mainly used in paper making, coating and other neutral, weak alkaline, alkaline operating environment, non-corrosive to equipment.













The aging process of organic coatings is very complicated and involves many factors. According to the basic mechanism of action, it can be roughly divided into pure thermal aging, light aging and biodegradation. Pure thermal aging reactions include a wide range, such as thermal aging of polymer coatings in high-temperature environments and corrosive reactions that occur in environments with corrosive pollutants for a long time.
The thermal aging performance is mainly determined by the structure of the coating polymer itself, catalysts, additives and other factors. For example, the dehydrochlorination reaction of polyvinyl chloride materials under the catalysis of some heavy metal ions, etc., polyester resins are prone to occur in alkaline environments for a long time hydrolysis. The environment faced by outdoor coatings is often harsh, especially in areas with heavier air pollution. Acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides (NO, NO) will accelerate the corrosion and aging of the coating. The melamine-acrylate cross-linked coating degrades under the action of acid rain to hs code of sasol wax produce uric acid, which increases the hydrophilicity of the coating and deteriorates the water resistance and corrosion resistance. The epoxy cross-linked coating has higher acid rain resistance and is often exposed to ultraviolet light.

Promote the corrosion of the coating by acid rain, and the hindered amine light stabilizer is beneficial to inhibit the corrosion of the coating by acid rain. In a humid environment, nitrogen and sulfur oxides are particularly serious for the aging of the coating. Even in dry conditions, ammonia and sulfur oxides will participate in or induce the photooxidation and photodegradation reactions of the polymer. The thermal oxidation reaction of polymer coatings is a more common feature in the thermal aging process of coatings, and it can usually be alleviated by adding appropriate antioxidants.

The biodegradation of polymer coatings is also an aging behavior that cannot be ignored. The mildew during the coating process belongs to this category. Generally speaking, coatings with high crosslinking density have a strong barrier effect on molds and other microorganisms. Good resistance to biodegradation. However, the photo-aging and thermal degradation that polymer coatings are difficult to completely avoid. On the one hand, the cross-linking density decreases or the polymer molecular weight decreases, which will accelerate the infiltration and migration of microorganisms into the coating; on the other hand, photo-oxidation, heat The oxidation process will inevitably produce more polar structures such as carbonyl groups and hydroxyl groups, and the hydrophilicity of the coating will increase, which promotes the penetration and reproduction of microorganisms in the coating. Adding a suitable light stabilizer to the coating formulation can delay the biodegradation process of the cured coating. Among them, the hindered amine light stabilizer can inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms in the coating, and the ultraviolet light absorber will help increase the biological stabilizer in the coating. (bio stabilizer) light fastness 31.


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