What’s the difference between Fischer-Tropsch wax and PE wax?

2021-05-04   Pageview:2407

Wax, means that this polymer ends up in the form of microcrystals floating in the coating playing a similar but more diverse and practical role than paraffin wax. The main roles of polyethylene wax in solvent-based coating are: matting, scratch resistance, abrasion resistance, polish resistance, anti-scratching, anti-staining, anti-precipitation, thixotropy, good lubricity and processability, and metal pigment positioning.

The main differences between Fischer-Tropsch waxes and PE waxes:

1, Molecular weight
The molecular weight of Fischer-Tropsch wax is much lower than that of PE wax, and the branched chain is also less, with high crystallinity, which is easy to penetrate into the high viscosity macromolecular chain and significantly reduce the melt viscosity, with little migration during processing and obvious lubricating effect in the later stage.

2. Fischer-Tropsch wax is saturated with straight alkanes, which does not contain double bonds, and has strong anti-oxidation ability and good weather resistance.

Hard Fischer-Tropsch Wax (PEW-0324) Name: Fischer-tropsch Wax Model Number: PEW-0324 Chemical Composition: FT wax

3. The viscosity of Fischer-Tropsch wax is much lower than that of PE wax. It is only about 10. The same lubricating effect can be achieved with less dosage. The use amount is only 70-80% of PE wax.

Fischer-Tropsch wax has good compatibility with PVC, and can be competent as both internal and external lubricant. It can be used as a good internal lubricant to effectively control shear conditions, promote flow, control friction and melt properties, thus improving thermal stability.

At the same time, fischer-tropsch wax china give the best physical and processing properties to PVC products due to their high crystallinity and high linearity structure. Depending on the need, Fischer-Tropsch process can synthesize alkanes of different chain lengths to change the molecular weight of the final product and form a series of products.


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