What is montan wax?

2021-05-10   Pageview:1832

What is montan wax? Montan wax is also known as lignite wax or OP wax. Lignite containing wax is extracted by organic solvents (benzene, toluene, gasoline, etc.) through a processing process to obtain a mineral wax containing wax, resin and asphalt.

Lignite Wax
Lignite wax is a scarce mineral. The extraction of wax from lignite was first started in Germany in 1897, so it is also known as Montan Wax in foreign countries. It is a mineral wax containing wax, resin and ground asphalt. It is also called Montan Wax.

Production method
It is a mixture of wax, resin and ground asphalt obtained from waxy coal (mainly lignite or some peat) by solvent (benzene, gasoline, etc.) extraction. The properties of lignite wax depend mainly on the raw material, the solvent used and the extraction conditions. With the increase of ground asphalt content, its color ranges from brown to black. Melting point 75~86℃, density (20℃) 0.98~1.03g/cm3.

Production requirements
The wax content of raw coal should be above 3%, particle size <1mm, moisture <20%. Lignite coal from some mining areas in China is suitable for making lignite wax.

Lignite wax has been used as a substitute and supplement for expensive natural animal waxes and vegetable waxes for the production of traditional products, such as copy paper, leather shoe polish, floor wax, polishing wax, metal polish, wire and cable, leather finishing and mold release agent; in addition, new ways of utilization have been opened up, such as wax molds for precision casting, additives for rubber and road asphalt, etc.


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