What Is The Appropriate Amount Of Polyethylene Wax(PE Wax) To Add?

2024-05-29   Pageview:160

The amount of polyethylene wax to add should be considered comprehensively based on specific product characteristics, production process and equipment requirements. Here are some detailed information and suggestions on the amount of polyethylene wax to add:

General recommended range:
The amount of polyethylene wax to add is generally recommended to be controlled between **2% and 5%**. However, this range is not absolute, because the optimal amount will be affected by many factors.

Influencing factors:
Pigment properties: Inorganic pigments are usually added in small amounts because they have a relatively large relative density, large original particle size and are easy to disperse; while organic pigments usually require a relatively large amount of addition due to their small original particle size and large specific surface area.

Masterbatch processing technology: Different processing technologies also affect the amount of polyethylene wax to add. For example, the amount of polyethylene wax added using a high-mix twin-screw extrusion process may be relatively high, while the internal mixing process may not require or require less addition.

Polyethylene wax varieties: Different varieties of polyethylene wax have different characteristics, such as molecular weight, viscosity, etc., which affect their dispersibility and effect in the system. Therefore, when choosing polyethylene wax, it should be selected according to specific application requirements.

Determination of the optimal dosage:
Considering the dual role of polyethylene wax in the system (i.e. improving compatibility and reducing system viscosity), masterbatch manufacturers should find the optimal dosage through experiments based on their actual production conditions. This usually involves comprehensive consideration of factors such as pigment dispersibility, system viscosity, and output.

It should be noted that the amount of polyethylene wax added is not the more the better. When the amount added exceeds a certain range, its unfavorable effect on dispersion may prevail, resulting in a decrease in dispersion effect. Therefore, when determining the amount added, various factors should be considered comprehensively to achieve the best effect.

In summary, the amount of polyethylene wax added should be comprehensively considered based on factors such as specific product characteristics, production process and equipment requirements. In practical applications, it is recommended to determine the optimal amount of addition through experiments to ensure the quality and performance of the product.


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