Use of water-based paint defoamer

2021-09-04   Pageview:753

The blistering of water-based coatings will affect the performance of the coating film and affect the effect of the coating film. Therefore, the paint must suppress its foam, and the water-based paint defoamer can control the occurrence of foam.










Water-based coatings are prone to blistering due to the formulation or construction of the substrate.

1. Foaming caused by formula

Because the coating formulation contains surface active ingredients such as wetting agents and dispersing agents, it is easy to cause foam.

2. Improper surface treatment of substrate

Substances such as oxides and soluble salts on the surface of the substrate are the inducing points for coating blistering, such as micronized wax lubricant.

3. Residual solvents cause foaming

Inappropriate volatilization of solvents in some coatings can also cause solvent residues. If the coating itself is not firmly bonded, its water resistance will decrease, which will cause loss of adhesion and foaming of the coating. For two-component polyurethane coatings, the air bubbles generated during the paint mixing have not disappeared, and the coating film has lost fluidity when the air bubbles overflow, and foaming will also occur at this time.

4. Residual gas on porous substrate

Solvents can also cause the coating to foam on porous substrates such as cement and wood.

Water-based paint bubbles will affect the overall effect of construction and affect the aesthetics. Therefore, the coating system needs to defoam the foam, and the water-based coating defoamer can eliminate the tiny bubbles in the coating system.


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