Uses of wetting agent for aqueous system

2021-09-29   Pageview:400

Wetting agent for aqueous system applications:

Water-based coatings, water-based inks, water-based adhesives, pigment pastes, emulsion synthesis, etc.













The hydrophobic fine powder particles can defoam, and it is related to entering the bubble film and bridging the bubble film. For example, a hydrophobic spherical particle enters the foam liquid film and is in the liquid film with gas-liquid surfaces on both sides. On the three-phase contact line, the contact angle should be greater than 90%. The capillary pressure near the particle obtained by the Laplace formula Ap is unbalanced.

Hydrophobic particles rupture human liquid membrane
(a) The capillary pressure increases the drainage effect of the liquid film:
(b) The two two-phase contact lines coincide at the mass point
Ap-7(K+R)(3-9) where Ri, R2――two perpendicular directions on the gas-liquid surface near the mass point
Radius of curvature
e 914 polyethylene wax oxidized
The surface tension of Y liquid.

R: The radius of curvature is different from R2. The direction of the unbalanced capillary pressure depends on the relative magnitude of Ri and Rz, usually Rz/Ri<1, then
^P~k(3-10) Under the condition that the hydrophobic particles in the liquid film cannot form a mechanical equilibrium condition, the direction of the capillary pressure is to increase the effect of the liquid out of the liquid film, and the process of liquid discharge will continue until two or three times. The phase contact line coincides on the surface of the particle as shown in Figure 3-10(b) 1), where small holes are formed in the liquid film. Due to the hydrophobic nature of the particles, the holes will increase spontaneously and eventually cause the liquid film to rupture.


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