D-346 polymeric dispersing agent in paint

2021-09-29   Pageview:388

D-346 is a block polymeric dispersant, which is used for grinding and dispersing high surface carbon black, organic and inorganic pigments in solvent system, and it can also improve the gloss, color spreading and vividness of coatings, with outstanding viscosity reduction, significantly improve the amount of color powder added, improve the grinding efficiency, and has good compatibility with CAB.

Chemical composition Block polymer

Physical properties
Appearance: light yellow liquid
Amine value: 10-13mgKOH/g
Density at 20℃: 0.98g/cm3
Active portion: 49-51%












Among the three main elementary reactions of radical polymerization, the initiation rate is the smallest, which is a one-step reaction that controls the overall reaction. In scientific research and industrial production, to choose a suitable initiator, it is necessary to fully understand the decomposition kinetics of the initiator, that is, the quantitative relationship between the concentration of the initiator and time and temperature.

The decomposition of the initiator is generally a first-order reaction, and the decomposition rate Ra is proportional to the first power of the initiator concentration [knife, and the differential equation is as follows:
Ra=-d[Gate]/d=ka[Gate](4-1) The negative sign in the formula (4-1) means that the concentration of the initiator decreases with the increase of time t, ka is the decomposition rate constant, and the unit is s= , Min- or h-1, integrate the above formula to get kat product–kst or product-cw(4-2) where [I.] and [gate] represent the initial concentration and time t of the initiator, respectively The concentration at time, the unit is mol/L; [/[1.] high density polyethylene wax emulsion represents the residual fraction of initiator at time r.

By plotting In2101 against t, the decomposition rate constant ka of the initiator can be obtained from the slope.
For the first-order reaction, the half-life is often used to measure the reaction rate. Half-life refers to the time required for the initiator to decompose to half of the initial concentration at a certain temperature, expressed as t1z. Therefore, 11/2 has the following relationship with the decomposition rate constant ka.


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