7 Characteristics of KP-M30 anti-mildew agent for paint

2021-10-22   Pageview:555

1, Excellent antibacterial performance, broad spectrum fungicidal, especially effective against Aspergillus, Penicillium, Trichoderma, etc.
2, Small particle size, easy to disperse evenly, easy to use.
3, Arsenic-free, tin-free and other heavy metals, in line with EU regulations.
4, Insoluble in water, no water-soluble precipitation problem, good anti-erosion.
5, Acid and alkali resistant, UV resistant, no yellowing, high temperature resistance 220°C.
6, Good safety, low toxic compounds, no irritation to skin.
7, Good compatibility, does not change the color and other physical and chemical properties of the substrate.












Free radical type photoinitiator
Free radical polymerization reactions usually include initiation, chain extension, chain transfer and chain termination processes. The difference between light-initiated radical polymerization and traditional thermally-initiated radical polymerization is that the mechanism of initiation is different. The latter uses a thermal initiator to decompose to obtain initiating free radicals, while the former uses a photoinitiator for photolysis. To obtain living free radicals, the specific polymerization process is as follows:

The photoinitiator (PI) receives light energy from the ground state to the excited state (PI*) under light, and then decomposes into free radicals. Free radicals are combined with the carbon-carbon double bonds of the monomer (M), and on this basis, chain growth is carried out to polymerize the carbon-carbon double bonds. This is accompanied by the transfer and termination of free radicals on the growing chain.

A free radical photoinitiator is a substance that can decompose active free radicals under light to initiate the above-mentioned free radical polymerization. There are many types of free radical photoinitiators, which can be roughly divided into carbonyl compounds, dyes, metal organics, halogen-containing compounds, azo compounds and peroxy compounds according to their structural characteristics. 11. According to the role of photoinitiators to generate active free radicals The mechanism is different, mainly divided into two categories: cracking photoinitiator, also known as type I photoinitiator; hydrogen abstraction type photoinitiator, also known as type II photoinitiator.


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