What is airspeed? What are the factors affecting air velocity?

2021-11-09   Pageview:832

In VOCs catalytic combustion system, the reaction air velocity usually refers to the volume air velocity (GHSV), which reflects the treatment capacity of the catalyst: reaction air velocity refers to the amount of gas treated per unit time per unit volume of catalyst under the specified conditions, in m3/(m3 catalyst? h), which can be simplified to h-1. For example, the product is labeled with air velocity of 30,000h-1: which means that each cubic meter of catalyst can treat 30,000m3 of exhaust gas per hour. The airspeed reflects the VOCs treatment capacity of the catalyst and is therefore closely related to the performance of the catalyst.














In recent years, researchers have developed some insoluble high-molecular fluoropolymers into dispersions, coated them on metals, and then melted them into films at high temperatures (327°C), which are called “low friction” and “non-adhesive” “Coatings are used for household cooking products, sports slides, feeding hoppers, etc., and have achieved good results. The application field of this kind of dispersion coating which requires high temperature melting is very narrow.

The researchers made improvements. After chemical synthesis, the molecules of low molecular weight fluoropolymers have many side chains and active functional groups on the side chains to improve their solubility in solvents, and they can be used in the subsequent curing reaction. Provide test methods for the effect of reactive base slippage and anti-scratch in 1. Simple principle
The slipping effect of the coating film can be explained as the ability of the object to move on the surface of the coating film, and the size of the moving force indicates the
The friction between the films also indicates the smoothness of the coating film.
Coefficient of friction pP
The friction coefficient p is divided into static and dynamic two types. The force required for the object to start moving on the surface of the coating film is expressed as the static coefficient of friction, and the force required for the object to slide on the surface of the coating film is expressed as the dynamic friction internal lubricant pvc coefficient. The former is greater than the latter.

The coefficient of static friction can also be expressed as the tangent of the limit angle of rest. Schematic diagram of the limit angle of rest ∮ experimental device. Also called sliding angle, i.e.
The angle of inclination when the object starts to slide on the surface of the coating film.

According to the above simple principles, there are 3 ways to express the slippage effect of the coating:
(1) The smaller the friction coefficient from the value, the smoother the coating film, and the slipping effect of the added slip agent the coating film is better.
(2) The smaller the ∮ of the static limit angle, the smoother the coating film and the better the slipping effect.
(3) What is needed to resist sliding
Schematic diagram of the static limit angle∮ experimental device The smaller the force, the better the sliding effect.


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