Catalytic combustion reaction principle

2021-11-09   Pageview:730

The principle of catalytic combustion reaction is that organic waste gas is completely oxidized and decomposed under the action of catalyst at a lower temperature to achieve the purpose of gas purification coating online catalytic combustion is a typical gas-solid phase catalytic reaction, the principle of which is the deep oxidation of reactive oxygen species.

In the process of catalytic combustion, the role of the catalyst is to reduce the activation energy of the reaction, while the reactant molecules are enriched on the catalyst surface to increase the reaction rate. With the help of the catalyst, the organic waste gas can burn flamelessly at a low ignition temperature and release a large amount of heat while oxidizing and decomposing into CO2 and H2O.













Use of anti-slip agent
The type of anti-slip agent should be selected according to the types of anti-slip coatings, application occasions, appearance requirements, wear, paint refurbishment cycle and cost. Considering only the type of coating, inorganic anti-skid agents are generally used for solvent-based coatings, while two types of anti-skid agents can be used for water-based coating systems and 100% solid resin coatings. Because organic polymer particles in solvent-based coatings are easily swelled and softened by the organic solvent used, even if the coating is applied, the process method of spreading polymer particles on the surface of the wet uncured coating film is swelled and softened. It is also difficult to avoid completely, thus reducing the effect of anti-slip agent. If you really need to use a polymer anti-skid agent in a solvent-based coating at work, it is recommended to use experiments to ensure the anti-skid effect, or choose aliphatic hydrocarbon solvents that have no effect on the polymer material, or use a very fast volatile solvent such as acetone to ensure that it is softening The polymer particles evaporate quickly and completely before.
According to different application requirements, anti-slip agents need to be processed into different particle sizes (grains and shapes (round, flat, angular or amorphous).

The particle size of the anti-slip agent in the anti-slip coating is closely related to the thickness of the coating film. The amount of the known anti-slip coating and the measured area to be coated can be used to limit the coating thickness. The particle size is related to the occasion where the anti-skid coating is used. best paraffin wax Where a high friction coefficient is required, the particle size of the anti-skid agent needs to be larger.

Some experimenters believe that the anti-slip agent particles must be anchored throughout the coating layer, and the ratio of the particle size to the thickness of the coating film after curing is greater than 1, so that the particles can protrude from the top of the coating film surface to provide a micro-concave surface. Some experimenters believe that it is not necessarily required that all particles be anchored through the coating layer, but some particles may be buried in the coating film and exposed as the coating film wears out, which can also play a role in anti-slip. The author believes that it is very important that the particle size and distribution range of the anti-slip agent match the thickness of the coating film.

And in coatings, there are several ways to use anti-slip agents, all of which can obtain anti-slip film, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages.


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