Application of high purity magnesium oxide — Wave absorbing material

2021-11-12   Pageview:636

Due to the high activity and high dispersion, high purity magnesium oxide is easy to compound with polymer or other materials. This composite material has good microwave absorption properties, while not to make the raw material strength, toughness and other indicators to reduce, and the addition of fibrous magnesium oxide has a reinforcing effect.















Fluorocarbon surfactants are hydrophobic and oil-repellent, so the fluorine-containing long chain in the organic solvent, like other surfactants in water, is also arranged on the surface of the organic solvent, but it must be used in the organic solvent. Surfactant in, also needs to change its original hydrophilic polar group part so that it can be dissolved in organic solvent. So far, although a lot of research has been done on the behavior of surfactants in water and many regular results have been obtained, the research on surfactants in organic solvents is much less. The reason is that the nature of the surfactant in the aqueous solution mainly depends on the surfactant itself and its interaction with water, while in the organic solution system, in addition to the nature of the surfactant, it also involves a wide variety of solvents. The surface activity exhibited by the action of the solvent and surfactant is different, so it cannot be treated uniformly. In the industry, there are many problems related to the properties of non-aqueous solutions, such as coating systems and industrial extraction processes. Therefore, the research on this aspect is gradually deepening.

In general, the effect of surfactants in organic solvents is much smaller than that in water. For example, surfactants can reduce the surface tension of water from 72.6mN/m to less than 1/4 of its original tension. But in the organic solution system, taking aromatic compounds as an example, experiments have found that only a few fluorocarbon surfactants can reduce their surface tension to about half. There are two main reasons for this: First, the surface tension of the organic solvent itself is much lower than that of water. For example, for aliphatic organic solutions, the surface tension of wood is about 19-30 mN/m, which is much lower than that of water. The tension of water; ptfe wax buy the second is that the effect of surfactant adsorption on the surface of organic solvent is much smaller than that on the surface of water, so its effect is much smaller. Among the many types of surfactants, only fluorocarbon surfactants can work in both aqueous and organic solutions. However, in comparison, it is more effective in aqueous solutions than in organic solutions. The effect is much stronger. A typical example of the application of surfactants in organic solutions is the use of ammonium perfluorooctanoate as a dispersant in the suspension polymerization of tetrafluoroethylene.


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