AC 316 vs PEW-0595A

2021-04-21   Pageview:1363

AC 316 is a  oxidized polyethylene (HDOxPEs) homopolymer powder (granule)  offered by honeywell. It is hard, high drop point, high density.

PEW-0595A is a HDPE wax, with high melting point and hardness, and very good chemical stability, has good compatibility with rubber, plastics, and paraffin materials.

Technical Parameters

AC 316 PEW-0595A
Ingredients oxidized polyethylene homopolymer powder Oxidized PE Wax
Appearance granule Yellowish Powder
Melting Point ℃ 138
Acid Value  mg KOH/g 20-25
Density 0.98
Viscosity @ 150°C 8500


AC 316 PEW-0595A
Adhesives Improve Adhesion to Substrate| Heat Resistance Heat Resistance
Inks Anti-Blocking| Rub| Slip Heat Resistance
Coatings Anti-Blocking| Mar Abrasion-Scratch Resistance Heat Resistance
PVC film Metal Release Agent| Very effective Lubricant
Textile Improve sewability and fabric cutting softening property of the fabric

Tianshiwax is the largest and most professional producer for micronized waxes as well as a leading worldwide manufacturer and supplier of a broad line of specialty micronized powders in China, we are very familiar with most wax products. For plastic/PVC processing application, PEW-0595A is a good alternative of AC 316.


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