Physical properties of Powder Dispersing Agent

2021-10-02   Pageview:322

Composition: Polyethylene glycol ester product, non-ionic type
Appearance: Powder
Color: white

General properties
Active part:about 70%
Specific gravity: about 390g/l
Surface tension: approx. 37mN/m
Solubility in water: Easily emulsified in water















The following introduces the three use forms of traditional driers.
①Pb oxide is directly added when the paint or primer is ground. During the grinding or storage process, it gradually reacts with free fatty acids to form metal soap, which is slowly dissolved in vegetable oil for drying. The metal oxides used are aluminum oxide, zinc oxide, and the like.

② Add lead oxide or lead acetate during the smelting of the paint, and react with oil at high temperature to form metal soap. For example, adding soil (containing manganese dioxide) and Mi Tuo Seng (Huang Dan) during the refining of cooked tung oil is the traditional method of using driers in my country. Generally, lead,
manganese, zinc and other metal oxides or acetates are used (sulfates are harmful to the paint film and cannot be used).

This method makes the drier have no consistent metal concentration and has a darker color. Generally, it accelerates the polymerization of the paint when it is smelted, and at the same time acts as a drier for film formation.

③Metal soap made of organic acids such as naphthenic acid and octanoic acid has high drying activity and is convenient to use. In paint production, the metal soap is dissolved in organic solvents and formulated into drier solutions of different concentrations for use. Commonly known as dry liquid. In the ink, the metal soap is
dissolved in the oil, or rolled with the filler to form a paste for use, which is called dry oil.
Due to many factors such as convenience of use and accuracy of measurement, clariant montan wax in the current paint production, the third form of use is mainly used.
The mechanism of drier
The drier can accelerate the oxidized conjunctiva of oil-based paint. The film-forming process of oil-based paint is more complicated, generally considered to have 4 stages: ① induction period; ② peroxide formation; ③ peroxide decomposition; ④ polymerization.


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