TEGO additives for coatings agent

2021-10-09   Pageview:459

TEGO Additives (TEGO): Flow300, Glide410, Glide435, Glide450, Glide432, WetKL245
TEGO wetting and dispersing agents: Dispers610, Dispers610S, Dispers700, Dispers710, Dispers740W
TEGO defoamer: FoamexN, Foamex815N, Foamex825, Foamex840, Foamex842
Defoamer: Airex900, Airex910, Airex920, Airex931













In the triboelectric charging sequence, the substance on the top is positively charged, and the substance on the bottom is negatively charged. In the same sequence, the two substances rub against each other. The farther the distance between them is, the greater the frictional charge and the higher the voltage. high.

In the coating industry, many different types of high molecular polymers are often used as film-forming substances. Due to their different structures, the degree of difficulty of charging is also different, and the charging properties of high molecular compounds are classified.

Film-forming substances used in coatings, such as vinyl resin, perchloroethylene resin, acrylic resin, polyester, polyurethane, etc., belong to 1, 2, and 3 types of polymers. In specific applications, antistatic treatment is required.

Mechanism of antistatic agent
The charging of polymer materials is mainly due to the high surface resistance of polymer materials, which makes it difficult for the static charge to leak for a while, and the accumulated static charge is increasing. The frictional charging voltage of some materials is even as high as several thousand volts. There are usually three methods to make the polymer coating have antistatic properties. One is to modify the structure of the film-forming substrate to make it conductive; the second is to add surfactant antistatic agents; sasol ft wax the third is to add conductive fillers. The structure modification of the film-forming matrix is ​​mainly to introduce polar groups or ionized groups into the polymer compound to reduce its inherent resistance. It is also possible to use monomers with polar groups for self-polymerization or copolymerization to achieve resistance. Electrostatic purpose. This method is the fundamental method to realize antistatic, but it has great difficulty and certain limitations. At present, the latter two methods are widely used. This section introduces the mechanism of surfactant antistatic agents, and the mechanism of electrical conduction will be introduced in the following chapters.


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