How the paraffin wax emulsions for particle board?

2021-06-30   Pageview:2491

The wood-based panels include fiberboard and particleboard, both of which are products of comprehensive wood utilization in the timber industry, and are composed of wood fibers or wood chips in addition to a certain ratio of glue to make the wood fibers or wood chips glue together after hot pressing.

The benefits of adding wax emulsion for particle board:

A certain amount of paraffin emulsion is mixed with the glue to make the board water resistant and improve the surface finish. Because of the small particle size of paraffin emulsion, in the manufacturing process of man-made board, through effective emulsion breaking, tiny wax particles can be precipitated from the water phase and evenly adsorbed on the wood fiber.

Paraffin Wax Emulsion OE-6802 Name: Paraffin Wax Emulsion Model Number: OE-6802 Chemical Composition: Modified Paraffin Wax

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