4 advantages of water-based system wetting agents

2021-10-03   Pageview:384

1, Dispersion wetting agent has excellent wetting and dispersing performance for various inorganic and organic filler materials.
2, High efficiency dispersing wetting agent has the advantage of low foaming, and will not increase the difficulty of defoaming when the dosage is large.
3, Strongly reduce the dynamic surface tension of the water-based system, is a very good substrate wetting agent.
4, Does not contain organic solvents, easy to use, good acid and alkali resistance.














Observation and evaluation
① Fineness, use a scraper fineness meter to test the particle size of the pigment dispersion. The smaller the fineness, the better the dispersion effect.

②Hiding power, use black and white grid and contrast ratio to test the hiding power of the paint. Generally, the better the dispersion of inorganic pigments, the stronger the hiding power. If the pigment particles are flocculated, it will cause the pigment particles to be unevenly distributed in the coating film, resulting in uneven bottom coverage, and reducing the hiding power.

③Transparency. Organic pigments usually form a transparent paint film. what is pe wax? The advantage of using organic pigments is that they have strong tinting power when mixed with inorganic pigments. When the dispersion effect of organic pigments is not good, flocculation will occur. These aggregates will prevent the light from passing through uniformly, thereby weakening the transparency of the coating film. You can use polyester film, pour down flow coating, and observe its transparency and coloring power.

Finger rub test, this kind of pigment dispersion stability test method is particularly useful and is often used. Usually two different pigment dispersion color pastes are used, mainly white/organic pigments and white/inorganic pigments. After mixing and making the board, when the solvent of the coating film evaporates to semi-dry, use the index finger to make a circular grinding on the coating film Until it’s dry. If the color of the research area is darker than the film, it indicates that the organic pigment is flocculated; otherwise, the white pigment is flocculated. However, instead of white, single-color paint can also be used in this way. If the area to be studied is darker in color, higher in gloss or more transparent, it also indicates that the pigment is flocculated. If no difference in color is observed, it indicates that the pigment dispersion is stable. In addition to observation with the naked eye, people often use a colorimeter to perform finger rub color aberration tests. The smaller the AE value, the better the stability of the dispersion.


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