4 features of powder coating

2021-11-14   Pageview:344

1, The product does not contain toxicity, no solvent and no volatile toxic substances, so there is no poisoning, no fire, no “three waste” emissions and other public hazards, in line with the requirements of environmental protection law.

2, High utilization rate of raw materials, some well-known brands of powder suppliers to produce powder, its over spray powder can be recycled, the highest utilization rate can even reach more than 99%.

3, After pre-treatment, one-time construction, no primer, you can get enough thickness of the coating film, easy to achieve automated operation, high production efficiency, can reduce costs.

4, The coating is dense, adhesion, impact strength and toughness are good.









Use of film forming aids
The amount of film-forming aids should be determined through experiments based on the MFT of the emulsion, the MFT of the latex paint and the film-forming efficiency of the film-forming aids.

The amount of film-forming aids can also be estimated according to the formula.
It is generally believed that the amount of film-forming aids should be considered based on the amount of emulsion in the formulation, but this is not entirely true. When the PVC is low, it should be less than the result obtained according to the amount of emulsion in the formula. When the PVC is high, it should be more than the value obtained according to the amount of emulsion in the formula. Practical experience shows that the more convenient way to determine the amount of film-forming additives is to calculate the total amount of the formula according to the MFT level of emulsions and latex paints, and the film-forming efficiency of the film-forming additives, because with the increase of PVC, Although the amount of emulsion is reduced, the pigments and fillers in the system increase. On the one hand, the difficulty of film formation increases. On the other hand, the amount of pigment and filler adhesion film forming aids will increase, and the efficiency of the film forming aids will decrease, so more film formation is needed. Auxiliaries.

When determining the amount of film-forming additives, not only the low-temperature film-forming properties of the emulsion should be considered, but also the low-temperature film-forming properties of the latex paint, such as the film-forming properties at 5°C or lower, because part of the wax for latex paint will be here. Construction under these conditions.
Addition order of film forming aids
Usually, the film-forming aid is added in the paint let-down stage. After the emulsion is added, it should be added slowly while mixing continuously.
It is also safer for emulsions to add film-forming aids before grinding and dispersing pigments and fillers, but hydrophobic film-forming aids will be emulsified by the wetting and dispersing agent, and may be absorbed by pigments and fillers.


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