Applications of Clariant Emulsogen M

2021-12-27   Pageview:1130

Emulsogen M has excellent emulsification properties for mineral oils. Very stable mineral oil emulsions are obtained with as little as 10-12% of emulsifier, calculated with the amount of emulsified oil. The water used can be soft or very hard without compromising the stability of the emulsion in any way. If 12% Emulsogen M is used, the emulsion is also very resistant to electrolytes and inorganic acids. Clariant Clariant Emulsogen M (low foaming) low foaming emulsifier with excellent oil solubility

Emulsogen M is a fatty alcohol ethoxylate used as a nonionic emulsifier for metalworking fluids (emulsions, semi-synthetic), rolling emulsions and water-based refractory hydraulic fluids (HFA-S). It has excellent emulsification properties and is highly compatible with anionic formulation components. It has a very low foaming tendency, is hard water stable, has excellent calcium soap dispersion and is capable of dispersing large amounts of calcium oleate and calcium oleate. & nbsp; Due to its good solubility in most mineral and vegetable oils, Emulsogen M can also be used as an anti-wear additive to improve lubricity. In North America, the product is available under the trade name Emulsogen M A.












According to the national standard “anti-corrosion coating of fusion bonded epoxy powder coating” (GB/T18593-2010), the performance requirements of single-layer epoxy powder coating for pipelines are shown in Table 4-72; according to the standard “technical specification for double-layer fusion bonded epoxy powder coating for buried steel pipelines” (Q/CNPC 38-2002), the performance requirements of double-layer epoxy According to the national standard “buried steel pipeline polyethylene anticorrosion layer” (GB/T23257-2009), fischer-tropsch wax quartet the performance requirements of the three-layer epoxy powder coating for pipelines are shown in Table 4-74.

According to GB/T18593-2010 standard, the coating performance index of single-layer epoxy powder coating for pipeline is shown in Table 4-76; according to Q/CNPC 38-2002 standard, the coating quality index of double-layer epoxy powder coating for laboratory pipeline is shown in Table 4-77; according to GB/T23257-2009 standard, the coating performance index of three-layer epoxy powder coating for pipeline is shown in Table 4-76. According to SY/T0442-1997 standard, the technical indexes of fusion bonded epoxy powder coating for pipeline inner wall are shown in Table 4-79.


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