Types of anti-mold agents

2021-11-04   Pageview:323

There are more than 500 kinds of mold inhibitors. Used for food, fruit, feed, cosmetics, mold inhibitors, requirements shall not be harmful to humans and animals, and long validity, broad spectrum of mold.

For coatings, adhesives, mold inhibitors, require good dispersion, long validity. Sprayed or painted in the bathroom, plastic doors and windows, such as the edge of the mold inhibitor, require insoluble in water, good weather resistance. Generally speaking, organic anti-mildew agent than inorganic anti-mildew ability.












Save energy and improve efficiency. For example, in water-based acrylic paint, using 1% KR-46 per 454.6L (100gal), the grinding time can be reduced from 2.6h to 1.6h; in neoprene, using 2 per 454.6L (100gal) %KR-46, the grinding time can be reduced from 1.5h to 0.2h.

KR-46 is coated with amorphous silica and added to amine cured epoxy resin. The coating bleached montan wax has anti-rust ability and corrosion resistance to 5% hydrochloric acid.

Improve the anti-rust performance of alkyd resin and other solvent-based or water-based resin coatings. If 0.5% KR-46 is used, the filling amount of inorganic pigments and fillers, water resistance and salt spray resistance of epoxy-polyamide coatings can be significantly improved. For example, the steel plate treated with KR-46, after 100h salt spray treatment at 35℃, there is no rust phenomenon, while the comparison sample has been obviously rusted; another example is the high solid epoxy coating of KR-46, in addition to improving the anti-corrosion In addition to the rust performance, after immersing in 10% sodium hydroxide solution for 3 days, the tensile strength of the paint film is 6515548Pa, while the tensile strength of the blank control sample is 4,274,751 Pa.

Using AMP-95 (2-amino-2-methylpropanol) as a hydrophilic co-solvent, the coordination type titanate KR-46 and KR-55 are mixed to improve the emulsification of the water-dilutable alkyd resin paint stability.

KR-46 can improve the curing activity of melamine and urea in amino alkyd. Because at high temperature, the amide nitrogen will replace the phosphite of KR-46, thereby relaxing its own internal bond, so it can be cured at a lower temperature through the surrounding carboxylic acid ester crosslinking. P-toluenesulfonic acid can also accelerate curing, but it will generate p-aminobenzenesulfonic acid during the catalytic process and reduce its acidity, so the catalytic efficiency is reduced. KR-46 is more effective in the catalytic system due to its rapid cycle without reducing its activity. It can be cured at a lower temperature, generally reducing the baking temperature by about 55°C.


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